The #1 Software Provider in the Precious Metals Market

Gold Price Alerts

Track gold prices and precious metal spot prices in real time. Get the time-sensitive insights you need to take immediate action. Send branded alerts and notifications to your customers based on their specific purchasing needs.

Our precious metal spot price software is scalable and supports email, text and mobile app notifications. It all runs through our gold price API and precious metals live data feed. Get access to reliable data on a professional pricing dashboard. Try our gold price software free for 14 days.


The power of real-time data, centralized

Precious metal prices move at lightning speed. Anyone unlucky enough to be looking at snapshotted bullion pricing is likely to miss a critical moment for action. Our price monitoring software offers to-the-moment data, price drop alerts, and more.

Our software is flexible, allowing you to set up your pricing dashboard to your liking. Simply track the ebb and flow of gold and silver prices. Or put together a custom dashboard for your clients. With smart software from NFUSION SOLUTIONS, price tracking becomes second nature.

We also offer API integrations so you can make your investment decisions alongside your other tracked market prices. Integration is simple and straightforward with secure hooks and thorough documentation to onboard you.

Here are some of the other standout benefits our precious metal price monitoring software offers:


Timely, Professional Support

Reach out to our tech support team 24 hours a day for immediate help with your dashboard. 


Customizable & Brandable

Create an on-brand experience for your clients with bespoke dashboard setups that work.



Securely integrate our platform’s price drop alert monitoring into apps, responsive websites, and more.


Our clients run the gamut from e-commerce owners to web developers. But whatever your title or function, it’s our charge to help you track the price of precious metals quickly and simply.





Maximize Your Profit with To-the-Minute Gold Price Alerts

A slowdown of data can mean the difference between selling at-spot or severely under. Don’t hang your pricing strategies on outdated data. Rely on timely precious metal spot price alerts to guide you. 

Our precious metals spot price alert software sends automated alerts to clients via text, push notification, or email. W whenever specific metals hit specific price points, alerts are triggered automatically. This increasing can increase the chance they’ll convert. Your clients simply input their buy or sell price, and our software does the rest. 

What Makes Us Different – We Have Been Helping Bullion Dealers Be Profitable Since 2011

Our live gold and silver prices are designed to benefit customers from hobbyists to business owners and day traders. And unlike repackaged precious metal price charts, our dynamic pricing lives and breathes real-time data. 

Our data feeds are licensed from global exchanges. This means you get consistent, reliable data every time you access 我们的 precious metal price dashboard. Simply track the price of precious metals on our dashboard and know you’re looking at the latest data. 

If you ever have an issue with our software or an integration, we are here to help. Rely on our service team to help with an API integration, help optimizing your price drop alerts, and more.



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Simplify Your Workflow with Effortless Integration

We handle all the hard work. All you need to do is copy and paste a simple script into your website. Our precious metal spot price alerts integrate with all major e-commerce platforms, so you’ll be up and running in no time. 


Fill Your Sales Funnel



Our products are designed and built specifically for the precious metals market by financial market data experts. We offer a robust suite of data software solutions. This includes our gold price APIs and precious metal price APIs that make running your business easier.

Our products allow you to increase productivity and streamline operations, helping to maximize your profits. We can customize our products to meet the specific needs of your business. And we’ll be there every step of the way to make sure they’re executed flawlessly. Get in touch with one of the options below, and let’s discuss how we can help your business today.


CMI 位于亚利桑那州菲尼克斯,是一家促进批发和零售市场之间交易的贵金属交易商。他们自 1973 年开始营业,销售金、银、铂和钯金币和金条。 CMI 拥有 12 名员工,每年交易额在 $125 至 $150 百万之间。 CMI 有两个主要网站和一个应用程序,但所有交易都通过电话进行。  

CMI 与 nFusion Solutions 合作已近十年。他们使用由 nFusion 构建的应用程序、数据源和产品定价目录。 

CMI 因交易缓慢和定价准确性而苦苦挣扎


然后,还有准确性问题。在使用 nFusion 之前,CMI 员工必须更新 Excel 电子表格才能进行交易,并且存在很大的人为错误空间。 “如果有人从我这里购买了 20 盎司黄金,而我把它放在了错误的栏目中,那么我现在就少了 40 盎司,”Estes 说道。此外,CMI通常有大约2%的利润率。因此,如果现货价格不准确,CMI 最终可能会在交易中亏损。

进入 nFusion 解决方案

Estes 知道 CMI 需要更新其流程才能在竞争中保持领先地位。这就是 nFusion 发挥作用的地方。 CMI 购买了 nFusion 的数据源和产品定价目录,以在其两个网站和应用程序上使用。 CMI 还将其 Salesforce CRM 与 nFusion 的产品定价目录集成。

Estes 知道,当客户打电话但无法与员工交谈时,CMI 就会失去销售机会。 “如果客户在第一次或第二次尝试时没有成功,他们实际上就会去其他地方,”他说。



在使用 nFusion 之前,员工手动编写交易。完成一笔交易需要 12-15 分钟。使用 nFusion 的产品,只需六分钟。

2022年夏季,CMI交易量创下历史最高纪录。 “这里只有两个人,因为每个人要么生病了,要么正在度假,”埃斯蒂斯说。 “仅靠我们两个人,我们编写的交易数量就比我们团队成员编写的交易数量多了 30%。如果没有 nFusion,我们就无法做到这一点。”


自从使用 nFusion 的产品后,Estes 再也不用担心数据不准确而导致公司资金损失。此外,nFusion 的产品大大减少了人为错误的可能性,同时节省了员工的时间。 

通过产品目录,Estes 可以同时更新 CMI 的网站和应用程序。 “我只需输入图片、文字和价格,然后点击复选框,然后它就会在所有三个网站上上线,”他说。 

当 Covid-19 来袭时,Estes 特别感谢 nFusion 的产品。 “2020 年,3 月 16 日,一切都乱了套,人们什么都买,”埃斯蒂斯说。 “开关变得疯狂,你无法足够快地更新它。” 由于 nFusion,Estes 能够安装自动开关。 “交换机的价格通常约为 3 美元,但现在几乎是 $30,”他说。 “对于贵金属,我们正在努力实现 2% 的利润率。以 $1,800 计算,$36 是百分之二,所以当我们发货时,我们已经在很多交易上亏钱了。”


通过将 nFusion 的产品与 Salesforce 集成,CMI 提高了盈利能力。 “通过将其与 Salesforce 集成,我可以知道我在哪里赚到最多的钱,”Estes 说。 “我可以看到哪种产品最赚钱,这将是我比其他产品更想推广的产品。”

想要获得更好的结果?nFusion 可以提供帮助。

您的公司是否在交易时间和定价准确性方面遇到困难?您想在节省员工时间的同时增加利润吗?立即联系 nFusion 解决方案。