Spot Price Alerts

Send branded alerts and notifications to your customers based on their specific purchasing needs. Our software is scalable and supports email, text and mobile app notifications through our gold price API and precious metals live data feed.

A illustration of a precious metals spot price alert on a cell phone

Spot Price Alerts

Increase Profit

Make it easy for your customers to buy and sell your products. Our precious metals spot price alert software sends automated alerts to clients via text, push notification, or email when specific metals hit specific price points, increasing the chance they’ll convert. Your clients simply input their buy or sell price, and our software does the rest.

Spot Price Alerts


We handle all the hard work. All you need to do is copy and paste a simple script into your website. Our precious metal spot price alerts integrate with all major e-commerce platforms, so you’ll be up and running in no time.

Abstract illustration of a sales funnel.

Spot Price Alerts


Because clients need to sign in to use precious metals spot price alerts, our software captures their names and email addresses. These are automatically qualified leads you can use to create highly targeted email or inbound marketing campaigns.

Let's Connect

Learn how we can help

Our products are designed and built specifically for the precious metals market by financial market data experts. We offer a robust suite of data software solutions, including our gold price APIs and precious metal price APIs that make running your business easier. Our products allow you to increase productivity and streamline operations, helping to maximize your profits. We can customize our products to meet the specific needs of your business, and we’ll be there every step of the way to make sure they’re executed flawlessly. Get in touch with one of the options below, and let’s discuss how we can help your business today.