The #1 Software Provider in Precious Metals Market

Solutions For

Store Owners

NFusion’s digital products integrate with your point-of-sale system, allowing you to automate and synchronize pricing across multiple store locations and business platforms.

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Scale With Confidence

Complex pricing made easy with turn key solutions automating your metals business. We deliver professional quality, performance, and reliability through our precious metals and gold price APIs, so you can sleep at night.

CMI mockup of an nFusion Solutions spot price table.

See Your Custom Prices Everywhere Consistently

Get consistent pricing across all your platforms, including web properties, e-commerce shopping carts, mobile apps, in-store displays, point-of-sale systems, and back-end enterprise systems. And you can control and adjust this pricing in real-time—at any time—from your nFusion dashboard.

Gold periodic table element.

Quick & Easy Turnkey Products

Our platform is simple to use, allowing you to get to the market faster and scale quickly.

Silver periodic table element.

Timely, Professional Support

Our tech support is in-house, so if you have a problem, you can rest assured we’ll fix it fast.

Platinum periodic table element.

Customizable & Brandable

Help your clients visualize data with branded, customizable functional, and interactive charts.

Palladium periodic table element.

Seamless Mobile Integration

Our platform integrates easily with responsive design and with mobile apps.


CMI Case Study

“Since using nFusion’s products, Estes no longer has to worry about inaccurate data that can cost his company money.”

CMI knew it needed to update its processes to stay competitive in the precious metals market. By working with nFusion Solutions, they were able to cut transaction times in half, automate pricing across several platforms, and increase profitability.

Automate and Synchronize Pricing

Don’t waste time manually updating pricing in multiple places. With nFusion Solutions, you can automate and synchronize pricing across mutliple store locations and digital platforms. Let our products do the hard work for you so you can focus on growing your business.

Precious metals e-commerce website.
A screenshot of the product pricing catalog

Manage and Adjust Pricing From One Central Place

With our Product Pricing Catalog, you can easily add, edit, or delete specific products and their live pricing, without getting your webmaster involved. Empower your operations team to manage products safely and easily, reducing administrative pricing errors and extra hours spent updating pricing in multiple systems. It begins with our robust precious metals and gold price APIs.

FAQs to get you started

Do you have questions about our platform or need technical help? Contact us today and a team member will get back to you shortly. Contact Us

How can I customize my company's spot price?

Log into your product catalog as an administrator. When you are logged in, you should see the menu item “Config” in the navigation bar at the top of the screen. Click on the “Config” menu item to display a dropdown menu. Click on the Spot Admin option. It will be the third option on the menu. From there you can control the spot prices powering all of your services (charts, widgets, mobile apps, product catalog, alerts, etc). You can set a Fixed Value or an Adjustment Value for your spot prices. To override your spot price with a Fixed Value, use the fields Bid and/or Ask for the appropriate metal.

For example, to lock your Ask of Gold at a fixed price of $1,215.75, put that value in the Ask field for gold. To apply an adjustment value to your spot price, use the fields for Bid Adjustment and or Ask Adjustment for the appropriate metal. For example, to have your Ask of Gold automatically adjust by ¢50 over the spot price and your bid automatically adjust by the same amount, you would set “Ask Adjustment” for Gold to 0.5 and the “Bid Adjustment” for Gold to -0.5. Also, Enable Spot Price Overrides must be checked and settings saved for any of these values to be applied. To turn these values off and resume the use of the spot price data feed, uncheck the Enable Spot Price Overrides checkbox and save the settings.

How can I get spot price data in XML or JSON?

Add or change the HTTP headers within the API request. The header that you will need to change/add is the Accept header. The recommended value for this header is application/json. However, If you prefer XML results, you can specify application/xml but we recommend JSON for most use cases.

How do I integrate catalog data (APIs)?

In order to access the nFusion Solutions APIs, you will be issued one or more API tokens, depending on your use case. These API tokens should be considered a secret, and should not be exposed over the public internet. To that end, API calls should never be made directly in JavaScript such that the code can be inspected in a browser and the API token discovered. Instead of making direct calls to nFusion APIs in client-side code, please use a proxy on your own server. For example, The nFusion API can then be called from your server-side code and the token will not be exposed. It is also highly recommended that your proxy perform some form of caching so that the ratio of client-side requests for data is not 1:1 with calls to nFusion APIs, as this will boost performance. Moreover, when accessing our data API, some of the following HTTP headers should be added to your API requests, depending on your use cases.

  • Accept
    • The recommended value for this header is “application/json”. If you prefer XML results you can specify “application/xml”, but we recommend JSON for most use cases.
  • Accept-Encoding
    • The recommended value for this header is “deflate,gzip”. This will result in compressed results that generally have better performance.
  • Content-Type
    • For POST/PUT operations that require a message body this header should be set to “application/json”.
  • User-Agent
    • We recommend setting this to your customer id.
What currency plugins are compatible with your Precious Metals Automated Product Pricing plugin?

We have tested and confirmed compatibility with the three most popular multi-currency plugins in the WordPress plugin store. These plugins will work out of the box with our plugin as of version 2.9.9. If you are not using at least version 2.9.9 of our plugin, currency switching plugins may not be compatible. Please note the version with which they have been tested.

  1. CURCY – Multi Currency for WooCommerce
  2. WOOCS – Currency Switcher for WooCommerce
  3. Currency Switcher for WooCommerce

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When it comes to quality, functionality, customization, and service, our bullion software solutions are unmatched. Let us help you grow your business.